The Right Partner for Digital Transformation

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Blog

The need for digital transformation and modernization has been fast-tracked in the past few decades. According to Forrester, CIOs spend around 72 percent of IT budgets on existing IT issues and only 28 percent of innovations. And yet, global spending on Digital Transformation reached $1.8 trillion by 2022 and is predicted to increase to $2.8 trillion by 2025. Therefore, IT organizations are going to have to continue to assess where investments should be made. Technology will undoubtedly continue to transform, seemingly overnight, so there is no standing still.

Whether it’s application modernization, enterprise data strategy, or modern architecture, as technology leaders across all industries gauge where investments are to be made in driving their organizations’ digital transformation, having the right partners in place is critical. From machine learning applications to enterprise data solutions, 3Ci’s Solutions Practice, and our team of Doozers, strive to provide services and develop products that bring value and improve how businesses harness the power of digital transformation.

Doozer Get’s Software Done

3Ci’s Software Solutions brings modern development practices in every cutting edge tech-stack to help our customers drive their business forward. Our team of Doozers takes pride in their craft. We are lifelong learners constantly tinkering with new tech to adapt to any business challenge. We produce elegant code and scalable, innovative solutions to give businesses a competitive advantage and drive value.

Our Doozers are highly skilled and understand the environments and complexities of small businesses to Fortune 500. Our approach is flexible, and we partner with our customer’s internal teams to meet them where they are. We adapt to the methodology needed and collaborate on the best approach. We have the experience and ability to start small or scale fast, depending on your needs. Check out the video to hear from our VP of Software Solutions, Ron Perkins. We’d love to build something for you!