The Power of Strong Connections in the Tech Industry

by | May 27, 2022 | Blog

The Technology industry is as unique as it is lucrative. It’s a high-demand, essential industry that is almost single-handedly shaping the future of consumer culture. We’re connected in ways humanity has never seen before, and the value of that connection is reflected in the value of the Big Five tech companies, all of whom contributed significantly to the current state of technology and communication. The world’s major tech companies— Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft— are collectively valued at over  $3.5 trillion, more than all but four countries’ economies in the world.

From the creation of the internet to the development of the smartphone, the domination of the tech industry has transformed the way the world operates. Cyberinfrastructure engineering and artificial intelligence research are expected to revolutionize the world and are poised to create millions of jobs and unprecedented growth. What’s often referred to as the “technology churn”, aka the constant, never-ending evolvement of technology as we know it, is what makes the industry so uniquely valuable, and uniquely challenging.

Every industry is competitive, of course, but when it comes to tech, if you’re not on the cutting edge of development, you’re falling behind. This is an industry where collaboration and connection matter above all else. There’s no advancement without industriousness, there’s no industry without community, and there’s no community without people.

After all, everyone is working towards the same goal: a more connected and intelligent world.

What Makes Connection so Powerful for your Business?

Maintaining strong connections within any industry is significant, particularly when working with other vendors and industry leaders. Building strategic, positive relationships can super-charge innovation and deliver a competitive advantage. Investments in connection and collaboration are investments in the future.

Think of it this way; when one collaborator wins, everyone wins, and when someone loses, there’s a strong support system to buoy them and mitigate the risk. The Tech industry is so uniquely fast-paced that the more trustworthy partners in your corner, the more success you’ll have and the less devastating your losses will be.

When your business is connected to the community, it creates an environment that fosters innovation and collective growth. By investing in the community your business operates within, you’re investing in not only the development of your business and brand but the development of the economy and culture, which will lead to greater success for everyone involved.

When your business connects to other businesses, even outside of your industry, unprecedented growth becomes possible. By sharing assets and intellectual property, opportunities become limitless. By investing in each other’s progress, you’re expediting the rate at which progress is made.

When your business collects with individuals, both fellow industry leaders and consumers, suddenly the work takes on a greater meaning. Your business develops a voice and message. Technology has one job, to make people’s lives better, so staying connected to the people being influenced is the key to long-term success.

At 3Ci, Connection is King


A business is only as good as its people and the community surrounding it. Here at 3Ci, we’re proud to be a part of the booming Atlanta tech industry for over 40 years. This has enabled us to develop strong relationships with the local governing bodies, local businesses, and organizations.

Our community has always shown up for us, it’s only fair that we continuously show up for them as well. For us, showing up looks like offering a Diversity Scholarship to high school seniors, supporting voter registration initiatives, and partnering with Women in Tech as well as several other outreach programs within the community (including STEM Atlanta Women, SuccessTeam, and GirlUp).

Connecting with our community and supporting its growth has directly influenced 3Ci’s own success and reputation. This is a lesson we will always carry with us as we move into new markets (hello, Charlotte!) and continue to evolve.


3Ci’s ability to connect with a business, understand their pain points and offer a unique solution is what makes 3Ci special. Every client we work with has a different problem they are trying to solve, but one thing that is consistent throughout each project is our commitment to our client.

We value transparency in every business relationship we have, whether it’s a complete end-to-end project or during the hiring process of new tech talent. We believe in our ability to solve your business’s problems and create a long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship.

At 3Ci, maintaining a strong, positive connection with our business partners influences every aspect of how we conduct our business.


Above all else, 3Ci cares and connects to people, whether it’s our internal staff, the people we place, or the partners we support. Building a strong interpersonal connection is key to providing successful solutions to any obstacle we’re presented with.

Here’s some feedback we’ve received recently to illustrate this point:

“I think consistent communication with feedback helps to build that relationship whether it is good, bad, or ugly. Builds trust and transparency that you aren’t just there to make a buck, but to better their lives and career!“ -Danny Sheets, Talent Specialist

Connection is an essential tool for all businesses, particularly within the competitive Tech space. That’s why 3Ci makes a point of painting strong connections with our community, our partners, and our people.