The Best Approach to Change Management (According to the Experts)

by | Mar 12, 2020 | Blog

Right now, change is happening within your organization, and if you are leading a change program or project, you’re probably feeling the pressure. Whether you’re implementing new technology, advocating for the adoption of an IT initiative, or modernizing your business processes, getting the whole team on board can be a real challenge.

Organizational change is inevitable, but that doesn’t make managing it any less of a challenge. Here’s the best way to tackle OCM (according to the experts):

Successful organizational change comes down to two key factors: process and people. Without a structured approach or roadmap, the research shows that your organizational change initiative is likely to fail. In today’s blog post, we’re taking a deep dive into a model specifically designed to help businesses get the most out of their change management initiatives: the Prosci ADKAR Model.

What is the Prosci ADKAR Model?

Developed and released by Jeff Hiatt, the Prosci ADKAR Model is a structured approach to managing change based on one simple idea: organizational change starts with individual change. Basically, if you understand how to manage the change of a single individual, you have the framework you need to drive change within an organization.

What does ADKAR stand for?

ADKAR is an acronym representing the five things every person needs to achieve lasting change: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. By using this knowledge as a baseline for organizational change, businesses can better plan for change management activities, help their leaders facilitate change, and support employees through the change process.

What are the benefits of using a change management model?

Anyone facing a transition is probably looking to meet changing requirements and objectives. Using a proven change management model can significantly increase your chances of reaching those goals. Pre-planning and structuring change in this way leads to higher ROI, less business risk and turnover, and a much better chance of realizing the benefits of whatever change you’re looking to make. 

Think about it. If you were about to face a major change in life, what would likely lead to a better result? Winging it? Or a structured approach to facing the challenge ahead backed by 20 years of research? 

How do most companies approach change management activities?

Depending on the size of your organization, you may or may not have an in-house Organizational Change Management practice. Those that don’t have an internal OCM practice may look to third-party Organizational Change Management consultants to facilitate and support change within their organizations.

If you’re facing a substantial transition, know that you don’t have to do it alone. The organizational change management experts at 3Ci are certified to use the Prosci ADKAR model and can apply this process to your business. If you’re curious to learn more about how we can help you succeed, we’d love to chat. Schedule a call with our team today.