How the Best Job Seekers Get the Job They Want

by | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog


 When you’re searching for a new job, it can become all-too-easy to lose motivation and focus. Whether your ideal companies aren’t getting back to you or you’re having trouble finding an open position that catches your eye, landing a new job isn’t for the faint of heart.

The good news is that we’re currently living in a job seeker’s market—meaning most industries have more open positions than there are candidates to fill them. But that doesn’t mean you can kick up your feet and hope for the best. To get the job of your dreams, you’re going to need to put in the work.

Here’s how the best job seekers ultimately end up with the jobs they want.


They Turn to Their Networks

Did you know that 40% of all new hires can be traced back to employee referrals, yet only 7% of job applicants get one? This should sound off major alarm bells in your head. Knowing even just one person on the inside of the company who is willing to put in a good word for you could give you a major leg up over your competition. Make a list of your top connections who may have ties to the companies you’d be interested in working with and set up some time to chat. Speaking of speaking to other humans…

They Get Off of Their Computers

This can be a hard sell for many job seekers, especially the tech-obsessed candidates we work with here at 3Ci. The fact is, the large majority of open positions never get posted on online job boards. That means that even if you’re spending hours a day scouring the web for the perfect position, you’re probably missing out on an even better fit. To get the job you want, you’ll need to put yourself out there and talk to people. Whether that means connecting with former co-workers or taking advantage of an alumni networking event, putting in face time pays off when it comes to your job search.

They Stay Proactive

The best job seekers understand that their search for the perfect job is never really over. As humans, we are constantly evolving—there is no reason to stay stagnant. Even if you are already in the job of your dreams, things happen. It’s best to be prepared for change and assume it’s just around the corner. That means keeping your resume polished and up-to-date, building your professional network, learning new skills, and practicing your interview skills. This way, when the time comes to make a move, you’ll be ready.

They Leverage Their Resources

If you’re searching for a position within a specific industry or have a very specific skill set, it can be helpful to lean on the expertise of a recruiting firm that specializes in filling those types of positions. Some companies rely exclusively on their staffing partners to find and hire new talent while others prioritize the resumes they receive from them. Working with a recruiting firm can help you get connected to the job of your dreams faster.

If you’re a tech, digital, or creative professional looking for the perfect job in the Southeast, 3Ci can help. To get started, search our open positions or connect with us on LinkedIn. We’d love to help you get connected with some of the best employers and help you succeed in your job search.
