It’s no secret that women are largely underrepresented in the tech world. While more women are working in STEM today than ever before, the gender gap remains. That imbalance holds companies back from realizing their full potential.

We regularly hear from companies looking to bridge this gender gap and support women in tech. Here are a few places to get started.

Listen to Female Tech Thought Leaders
How can you support women in tech right now? Listen and learn. Educating yourself and truly understanding the barriers women face in the tech industry are the first steps towards change. You can start by following these women influencing tech and connecting with a few of Georgia’s top women in technology. Celebrate their success! By amplifying these powerful voices, we can help inspire the next generation of girls considering STEM and diversify the future hiring pool.

Acknowledge the Gender Gap (& Close It!)
The movement is gaining momentum, but the truth is, there aren’t enough ladies in tech, and not enough of those ladies are in leadership positions. Women only make up 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. If your company is struggling to attract or retain female tech talent, it might be time to take an honest look at the culture, policies, and biases that contribute to this trend. DiversifySTEM is a free app for anyone looking to attract, retain, and advance women in STEM.

Support Organizations Already Doing the Work
When it comes to empowering women in tech, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. There are some incredible organizations out there already doing incredible work. Women in Technology (WIT) is an Atlanta-based nonprofit dedicated to providing opportunities to help women excel in STEAM. If you’re a company in Atlanta looking to support women in tech, check out these sponsorship opportunities. Or, if you’re a female tech leader, consider volunteering to mentor the next generation of girls and women in tech. Women Who Code (WWCode) is another fantastic organization that supports women through every phase of their tech career.

Diversify Your Tech Talent Pool
The pandemic has completely transformed the way we work and the way we find, hire, and onboard our employees. Hiring tech talent virtually has become the new normal. With physical location no longer creating a major barrier, companies are capitalizing on the opportunity to connect with diverse tech talent from around the world. Now is an amazing time to connect with and hire female tech talent. 

With more awareness and action, we can end the STEM gender gap and empower women to thrive in the tech industry. Please reach out if there are any additional resources/insight you may have on this topic.